
Moths :: 72.047 (Eilema caniola - Hoary Footman )

Records for moth 72.047 (Eilema caniola - Hoary Footman).

10km Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Tetrad Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Monad (1km) Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Moth Records (1 to 12 of 12)

Site Gridref TenKm Quantity Date Recorder More Info
Livox Quarry ST53349818 ST59 Present 11/08/2015 Martin Anthoney and Roger James
Wyndcliff ST5297 ST59 Present 03/08/1981 G.A.N. Horton
Wyndcliff ST5297 ST59 Present 07/08/1989 G.A.N. Horton
Wyndcliff ST5297 ST59 Present 08/08/1989 Martin Anthoney
Wyndcliff ST5297 ST59 Present 30/07/1991 Martin Anthoney
Wyndcliff ST5297 ST59 Present 05/08/1995 Martin Anthoney
Wyndcliff ST5297 ST59 2 21/08/2004 Martin Anthoney
Chepstow Park Wood ST500985 ST59 1 18/07/2006 Martin Anthoney
Chepstow (9 Danes Close) ST528938 ST59 1 10/07/2009 Shirley Watkins
Wyndcliff ST527972 ST59 Present 18/07/2012 Martin Anthoney & Roger James
Wyndcliff ST527972 ST59 Present 01/08/2013 Martin Anthoney and Roger James
Wyndcliff ST527972 ST59 Present 07/08/2014 Martin Anthoney and Roger James

Moth Images (2)

Hoary Footman (Eilema caniola)
Hoary Footman...
Hoary Footman
Hoary Footman