
Moths :: 04.013 (Stigmella malella - Apple Pygmy )

Records for moth 04.013 (Stigmella malella - Apple Pygmy).

10km Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Tetrad Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Monad (1km) Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Moth Records (1 to 6 of 6)

Site Gridref TenKm Quantity Date Recorder More Info
Llandogo SO5203 SO50 08/09/1973 Maitland Emmet
Cwm Bwchel SO2827 SO22 1 04/06/2002 Sam Bosanquet
Dingestow (East Lodge) SN453100 SN41 30/08/2014 Sam Bosanquet
Dingestow Court West Lodge SO447096 SO40 25/10/2014 Sam Bosanquet
Wyndcliff cliff ST525973 ST59 mines 30/09/2016 Sam Bosanquet
Lower Llantrothy SO453116 SO41 mines 10/08/2018 Sam Bosanquet

Moth Images (0)

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