
Moths :: 04.019 (Stigmella viscerella )

Records for moth 04.019 (Stigmella viscerella).

10km Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Tetrad Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Monad (1km) Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Moth Records (1 to 6 of 6)

Site Gridref TenKm Quantity Date Recorder More Info
Monmouth SO4912 SO41 07/10/1976 Maitland Emmet
Dixton Embankment SO527150 SO51 04/11/1984 Maitland Emmet
Dingestow (Fishpool Wood south) SO449099 SO40 04/11/2013 Sam Bosanquet
Bushy Close, Leechpool ST509887 ST58 1 02/09/2017 Nick Felstead
Cefn-garw west SO437132 SO41 mines 19/09/2017 Sam Bosanquet
Newhouse Industrial Estate, Chepstow ST535913 ST59 2 mines 10/11/2020 Nick Felstead

Moth Images (0)

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