
Moths :: 02.003 (Eriocrania unimaculella )

Records for moth 02.003 (Eriocrania unimaculella).

10km Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Tetrad Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Monad (1km) Distribution Map

Blue squares represent records from before 2000, Red squares are post 2000 records.

Moth Records (1 to 3 of 3)

Site Gridref TenKm Quantity Date Recorder More Info
Brynmawr SO11V SO11 1 06/05/2016 Keith Jones
Hendre Woods SO468127 SO41 2 mines 16/05/2016 George Tordoff
Glyn Road, Penallt SO527100 SO51 mines 25/04/2017 Ian Rabjohns

Moth Images (1)

(Eriocrania unimaculella)
(Eriocrania u...